About Us


This is not just what we do, it is who we are.

We believe that Jesus came to bring about the Kingdom of God here on Earth. In this Kingdom, we have a King. His name is Jesus. When he speaks we listen. When He commands, we obey. We choose to live and respond in a way that shows our allegiance to King of Kings.

The invitation to follow Jesus is open to everyone. No matter where you are on your journey of faith, we will provide a space that is open to you as you take your next steps in responding to that invitation to a New Life in Jesus.

One of the final commands Jesus gave his disciples is found in Matthew 28 “Go into all the world and make disciples…”. That is the mission of every follower of Jesus. We are commanded and commissioned to multiply as we follow Jesus and learn to live a life of apprenticeship to Him. Our goal is to multiply individual disciples, multiply ministries, and multiply churches.

This is not just that we are better together (although we are). This is also an acknowledgement of the dangers of living life in isolation. The church was always meant to be a community. It is where we grow, it is where we are supported, and it is where we challenge each other to be the best followers of Jesus we can be.

There are two big ideas with this code. We are “all in” this together. We are a church that strives to get everyone involved. You have been designed for a purpose, we will help you discover and live in it. But this is also a statement about or commitment. We do whatever it takes to see the Kingdom advance. We are not half in, we are “all in.”

The heart of our faith is the Gospel. The “good news” that the Kingdom of God is here, ushered in by Jesus’ death on the cross and his resurrection from the grave. This is good news for the entire world, and we are driven to go into the world and declare this good news to everyone. So we will pray for, love, and serve the people who do not yet know the transforming power of Jesus Christ in their lives. They are our mission, they are our “one.”

Our hope is to be a church that is marked by our undeniable generosity, because we have an undeniably generous God. He gave up everything so that we could be close to Him. We pursue this generosity until it matters to the world around us, so that we can be a blessing to our community.

The world can often seem overwhelming. But we believe in the end, God wins! We have a joy that goes far beyond our understanding. Because our hope lies in the death and resurrection of Jesus, we have access to this joy. And so even in the midst of the chaos of life, we will choose to respond with joy.

Who We Are

The Rock Church of Greater Portland is a non-denominational church with a fun and friendly atmosphere. The vision of our church is to turn the people of Maine into Wholehearted followers of Jesus Christ, and we do this through engaging music and messages that are relevant to your life every day – not just on Sundays. We hope you will join us. We can’t wait to get to know you!

Meet Our Team

Dr. Ryan Savage

Executive Pastor

Tim Owen

Community Engagement Pastor

Mike Diggins


Anna Yanez

Executive Administrator

Josh Lussier

Worship Director

Amanda Wheeler

Children's Director

Frank Catalano

Director of Discipleship

Josh Yanez

Discipleship Systems Leader/Facilities Director

Everett Fair

Student Ministry Director